Keep running!

Keep running!
Success is attainable - just keep running!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Step by step

Hi All

I am new at blogging so please bear with me when I make blatant or stupid mistakes.

This is what I do know...

Success is attainable. The secret is to keep running (moving).

Here's a way to do it:

  • look at the right now; what are you doing?

  • what can you do right now? think simple, small things/ tasks

  • the dishes? washing the car? removing just a tiny patch of weeds from your garden? hugging your child or partner? trim your nails? shave? write out that birthday card? phone to apologise? organise your drawer? check the refuse bin? etc.

  • you see, it's the small things that adds up to bigger things...don't wait for something to happen first...

  • make things happen and the Universe will cannot respond if we do nothing

  • even the birds and all animals know this instinctively - they know they need to do something - only from action movement can be generated....

  • watch out for things like procrastination - sure paralyses you...resulting in NO ACTION....NO MOVEMENT

  • you wish to move right?

  • so com''s not that difficult.....just start an action...any action....surprise yourself....

  • one step at a time brings you the small successes which ultimately leads to the bigger successes

  • remember the age-old saying:

How do you eat an eliphant?

Bit by bit!

Remain enthusiastic my Friend.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Personal Success: Hello AllWelcome to my latest venture. I trust y...

Personal Success: Hello All

Welcome to my latest venture. I trust y...
: "Hello All Welcome to my latest venture. I trust you will get excitement and new insights by visiting here. May I also invite you to share ..."

What is Personal Success?

When are you successful?

The number of different answers would probably equal the number of readers. That's okay because success is indeed a personal matter. Which leads to the next question...

When do you know that you are successful? To help this discussion along I have included some links below which I deemed valuable. Check it out and come back here to share your own views.

After you have visited these links I invite you to share your own views about the question:

When do you know that you are successful?

Next time.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hello All

Welcome to my latest venture. I trust you will get excitement and new insights by visiting here.

May I also invite you to share your views on Personal Success right here.

Give me a day or two to post the very first article....OR....why don't you go right ahead and post the first article.

In case you're wondering, any areas of Personal Success would do for now. So jump in and share your latest thoughts about the Personal Success.

Let's own this site together!!
